RAC – 24×24 Return Air Canopy for T-Bar Lay-In, 1″ Fiberglass Insulation, Steel

RAC – 24×24 Return Air Canopy for T-Bar Lay-In, 1″ Fiberglass Insulation, Steel

The RAC provides a low cost solution for improving speech privacy between adjoining spaces while allowing for maximum airflow through the return grille. Positioned directly above return grilles, the RAC prevents the transfer of occupant noise into the plenum above and prevents mechanical noise in the plenum from flanking through return grilles, or open vents, into the occupied space below. The most common applications for acoustical ceiling tile return air plenums are in office and retail spaces.

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Availability [53 Total]
Part # RAC-1-2//I/I/24x24/24.00/23.75/38.50/7.00/SC/FG1//
Manufacturer Price Industries
Mounting T-Bar
Panel Size 24x24
Size 24x24
Length 24
Width 24
Finish Mill
Panel Length 24
Panel Width 24
Construction Steel